Life, Love, and Dirty Diapers

Guest Posting

Hello everyone πŸ™‚

I am being swamped with school and I’m thinking about 2 series and I would love some guest posts for them πŸ™‚

First one is Dear Mom – basically, it’s writing a letter to your mom. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but I can tell you more of my ideas about it if you need them.

Second is “I am a strong woman because . . . ” this is one where you post about what makes you a strong woman or an experience that you overcame.

I’m open to anyone writing on my blog, but dudes, if you want to write, you could only write letters to your mom as you’re not women πŸ˜‰ Anyways, if either (or both! I’m up for that) sound interesting to you, shoot me an e-mail at or tweet me @misslissy

Additionally, if there’s something else you want to write about, pitch it to me! I’m totally open.


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